Medium Writers, Interested in Read & Critique ZOOM Workshops?

2 min readOct 18, 2022


About my Read & Critique ZOOM (R & C) Workshops:

When Covid hit, I launched my first ZOOM R & C workshop and from that group, which ran for 2.5 years offering two sessions/week, I have good news to share.
Four of my writers completed reading full novels in our years together and of those four, two read two novels in that time. Of this group, one writer has sold both novels critiqued by our group! Personally, I adored her second novel and wasn’t too surprised that even in these challenging times in publishing, she sold it. Her story was one that when she read the last chapter in our ZOOM session, we were sad that we wouldn’t be hearing any more chapters! Compelling storytelling! I have great hopes for the other two writers whose novels we also fully critiqued in these sessions. Another writer in our group who crafted his novel, Phantoms From Vietnam, inspired from his experiences there, writes elegant literary level prose that’s accessible to all readers who love good storytelling. Though this group is now over, we keep in touch and I will continue to nudge this writer until he sells this captivating story about the lifelong ravages of that war.

I invite writers to email me at for details about joining one of two new ZOOM groups I’m launching soon.

  • One group will be devoted to writers still ‘finding their story.’
  • The other group designated for writers who have been writing and rewriting as evidenced by several drafts of story saved in their hard drives. I confine the groups to four writers/group (plus me) so that every writer can read weekly.

For those writers who’ve never joined a read & critique group, know that listening to others’ stories helps yours become better. The ‘art of critiquing’ is a fine skill to hone and some of the best critiquers in my workshops are entry level storytellers BUT they know story…or parts of it…and have great listening ears/skills!

I may offer one group on weekends so if interested, tell me which group you’d like to be considered for and if you have time constraints. Email Time commitment and pricing will be offered in my follow-up email. My fee is quite reasonable.
I try to oblige all.

Marla Miller aka @writersmama




Writer/Author/WorkshopLeader @ SoCa.WritersConf. & SantaBarbaraWritersConf, I&T: @writersmama , Psych RN,MSN