2 min readJun 24, 2023

WIN/WIN: Remember Writers, Win/Win

Each year at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference, I moderate the panel on platform building. Per our usual, I fielded lots of questions presented to our panel and when I wrapped up the session, I forgot to mention what I believe is among the most critical points a writer in pursuit of selling their products, a.k.a. books, podcasts & services should remember:Put on your business hat and think like a successful business person thinks: If you want lots of members in your #writingtribe and beyond to support your work, you must reciprocate. If you choose not to follow this model, sobeit, but appreciate this about #humankind. We stick with our own. You help me and I’m glad to help you. You decide not to help me? That’s cool, too. In time, I will notice that lack and stop supporting you.

WIN/WIN, simple to remember but for some, difficult to understand.


Writer/Author/WorkshopLeader @ SoCa.WritersConf. & SantaBarbaraWritersConf, I&T: @writersmama , Psych RN,MSN